Este blog está dedicado a la Educación Social y al Trabajo Social con el objetivo de crear una herramienta en la cuál deliberar e intercambiar información, así como compartir con todos/as aquellos/as lectores/as información, reflexiones, comentarios,... sobre ámbitos sociales y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación desde ámbitos educativos.


jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

Twitter Social Network in University Teaching. Digital Innovation Strategy for Social Responsibility

The incorporation of social networks in university teaching enables new communication channels and opens new channels for training meetings, which also provides a different dynamic to day-to-day teaching, promoting communication initiatives under social responsibility. This article presents an experience of digital innovation through the use of social networks, Twitter in particular. The overall objective of this innovation is to allow communication, to provide information and reflection as a learning tool, where the main reason for the existence of this community is the exchange and intercommunication of lessons related to the different subjects and to enable professional development. It is developed through eminently active pedagogical methods, considering the theory called connectivism. The results obtained corroborate the starting hypothesis that this teaching team had from the beginning, that a methodology enriched with the use of Twitter, a tool that allows complementing the content of the subjects and interacting with them without limitations of space and time, would increase and improve the process of teaching–learning.

Full Article text: 

Notas de prensa: 

Diario UPO


La Vanguardia


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